#bio Mining has more than 5 days left, the current off-market price is 0.895. Based on this calculation, the annualized return for the FDUSD pool is about 31%, and the annualized return for the BNB pool is about 21%, as it is a total of 10 days of mining. To borrow BNB on-chain, one has to pay an annualized interest of 30.5%. From this perspective, borrowing coins to mine would result in a loss. However, looking at the whole year of mining, historically, there was only one phase, REZ, where borrowing BNB on-chain for mining resulted in a loss. On the other hand, the previous project PIXEL, which lasted for 10 days, had good profits from borrowing coins. Therefore, this time, borrowing coins for mining is unlikely to incur losses. Low-cost mining can also hedge BNB for mining. When the funding rate is negative, paying a small funding fee is still much cheaper than borrowing BNB on-chain. Although it results in slightly less mining than holding FDUSD, long-term hedging can still yield HOLDER airdrops. After mining ends, there is also an opportunity to continue to earn funding fees for positive returns, making this a decent financial strategy. $BNB
#币安LaunchpoolBIO Launchpool mining is a must. If you don't want to buy BNB, how can you mine it? You can use mainstream currencies such as BTC ETH to borrow, or hedge BNB to mine. Although BNB mining efficiency is not as good as FDUSD, there is a potential HOLDer airdrop. So it is still worth participating with BNB. $BNB $BTC
#币安LaunchpoolBIO Currently, the off-market bio is about 0.885. At this time, calculating the annualized return, mining with fdusd yields about 34% annualized, while mining with Bnb yields about 20% annualized. Hope to adjust the shares of fdusd and bnb pools next time. $BTC $BNB There is also BNB in the current financial management, which can qualify for the HOLDer airdrop, and it’s quite a big deal. Referencing on-chain lending rates, if we let the lending miners break even, BIO may reach above 1.5 after it goes public. So, let's mine with full positions!!! Welcome to follow for long-term sharing of mining analysis and arbitrage opportunities.