#纳斯达克 Short-term top is formed


#BTC It is good to be alert at any time. I have written Nasdaq very clearly in my early strategy. It has temporarily peaked and is falling completely according to the pressure level I gave. BTC's irregular five waves are basically over and the downward trend is looming. The script of good news after the decline and callback that kills everyone in the third wave of decline may appear again. So according to the principles of scripts and cycles, I think BTC's key pressure levels of 30555 and 31850 are crucial. If it breaks through 30555 and oscillates in this range, it can still be played until September. If it breaks through 31825 and stands firm, it is very likely to start a wave of bulls, breaking through the pressure of 32186-33210-35600-46600-48600, and slowly breaking through them one by one!

The key position below BTC 28650-28538 needs to be held. If it falls below, there will be a rapid decline. The big support below is 25555.55. If this position cannot be defended, it will still need to step on 21300-20000. After all, this position has a high probability of CME gap filling, and if this position is filled, I think the real bull market of the century will come.