Let's talk about several ways to stop loss in the cryptocurrency circle:
Moving stop loss method: As the price moves, the stop loss point is constantly adjusted to protect the part that has been profitable or limit losses.
Technical indicator stop loss method: Combine the market's technical indicators, such as moving averages, relative strength indicators (RSI), Bollinger bands, etc., to set stop loss points to reflect the actual situation of the market.
Event-triggered stop loss method: Set stop loss points triggered when specific events occur, such as the release of important economic data, major political events, etc., to avoid the impact of emergencies on transactions.
Wave stop loss method: According to the market wave structure, open an order at the tail of the high wave and set the stop loss at the starting point of the low wave.
Profit and loss ratio stop loss method: Set a stop loss based on the expected profit and loss ratio.
Position profit stop loss method: Set a stop loss based on realized profits.
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