Notcoin has 40 million users in total 🎉

These are activated users from the database, not from web analytics tools that multiply the number of users in their session and now show 500 million Notcoin users, which is of course not true.

Over $1.5 million earned by Explorers across 20 campaigns 🤑

This is more than most web3 projects could generate for users in less than a month, but still a relatively small amount compared to our goals.

Explore is still in beta, but we expect the number of campaigns and Notcoins earned to increase 10x per month once automated campaigns are launched.

What is currently being developed:

- Levels will be available for new users

- Friends will give you a percentage of what they earn

- Gold and Platinum will have access to the launch of top tokens

- Explore campaigns will be automated so projects can launch them themselves

The goal for Explore is to become the premier place to discover web3 projects on Telegram and beyond.

And get Notcoin for it. And burn some of it.