After the success, $NOT Telegram was flooded with tapping games. There are not just a lot of them. There are a lot of them. But the problem is different, none of them except $NOT have been listed yet. And in some places this is already starting to bother the players.

A good example of this is HOT, created by the Near team. If a month ago everyone was enthusiastically writing about what a great project it was, how everything was thought out and how much profit it brought, now it has grown into the fact that the creators are trying to somehow lure at least a little money from users by giving bonuses and advantages to those who stakes real money on a wallet, and users write in response to comments in posts, “when is it branded”?

Catizen promised the final drop before the end of June.

Blum, a project of the ex-head of Binance for the CIS, promised to provide the opportunity to make the first income in late June-early July.

Well, let's see. Otherwise, interest in slippers will begin to fade.