Can BTC take off this time?

BTC is going to create a new historical high this time. BNB has taken the lead in breaking through the upper track of the triangle and breaking through the position of 700 US dollars. As a huge persimmon value, BNB's persimmon value has increased by 20%, and there is still no intention to stop. The next target is to focus on 770 US dollars

BNB's inflation has also driven the tokens of the coin ecosystem, such as CKB, FLOKI, etc. The inflation rate of this round of trends has reached more than 20%

As a passive ETH, although it has not been fully accumulated, it has also been pulled up by the big cake. It is expected that this wave will also hit the previous high of 4K. At the same time, BTC will sprint to a new historical high of 80,000. Hold the BTC in your hand. Technically, it is ready to accelerate the inflation pattern

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