What is satoshi?

1. A satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

2. Satoshi is named after Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

3. The ratio of satoshi to bitcoin is 100 million satoshi for one bitcoin.

Where did the name Satoshi come from?

1. The name “Satoshi” comes from Satoshi Nakamoto, the person (or people) who published the white paper in 2008 that launched the development of Bitcoin.

2. The white paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” described the peer-to-peer network as a solution to the double spending problem in previous cryptocurrency concepts.

What is double spending?

1. Physical currency can only exist in one place, and cannot be used in two transactions at the same time.

2. Cryptocurrencies represent ownership registered in a database, and without special measures to prevent this, a user can transfer ownership of one asset more than once.

3. Double spending means that the same currency can be used in more than one transaction.

4. The distributed ledger system and transaction verification mechanism in Bitcoin solved the double spending problem.

Use satoshi

1. Bitcoin and Satoshi can be converted into other currencies via cryptocurrency exchanges.

2. Dollars or other currencies can be deposited into an account on one of the exchanges and converted into satoshi or bitcoin.

3. Satoshi and Bitcoin can be used on sites that accept cryptocurrencies.

How are satoshis different from other digital denominations?

1. Many cryptocurrencies use different denominations according to the designer's preferences.

2. Bitcoin only uses satoshi as a sub-unit, while Ethereum uses different units such as “wee”.

3. Differences in denominations can be confusing for cryptocurrency newbies.

How much is 1 satoshi worth?

1. The value of satoshi changes according to the market value of Bitcoin.

2. For example, if the value of Bitcoin is $21,970.70, then 1 satoshi is equal to $0.000219707.

How many bitcoins are in 1 satoshi?

1. There are 100 million satoshis in one Bitcoin, so 1 satoshi equals 0.00000001 Bitcoin.


1. A satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, which makes small transactions easier.

2. The ratio of satoshi to bitcoin is 100 million satoshi for one bitcoin.

3. The name “Satoshi” comes from the creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

4. Satoshi facilitates small transactions in Bitcoin.