This article is a summary of the wonderful speech by @Leoninweb3 that I heard in the CrossSpace official DC community! I hope that the community members can reach a consensus here! If there are any shortcomings in the summary, please correct me! I also hope that more partners will join CrossSpace, shine for the community, and cooperate for win-win results!

❓Why we are optimistic about $CBD

The reason for being optimistic about CBD is very simple. BitLayer is currently in a very early stage of development, its TVL (total locked value) has just started, the decentralized exchange (DEX) is not perfect enough, and even checking price information is troublesome. This situation is similar to when the Inscription project was just starting. However, as these infrastructures are gradually improved, the value of CBD will continue to rise.

BitLayer is one of the most popular projects in recent times, and it has not yet issued a token. As the leading meme project on BTC L2, it is entirely possible for its market value to reach 100mn. Once it is listed on the top exchanges, its market value will further increase.

In this $CBD airdrop plan, OG will have a separate airdrop pool. The timing of the airdrop will be coordinated with the official rhythm, and will slowly start airdropping when the price reaches a high enough level. We hope that the largest airdrop will be after it is listed on the top exchanges to ensure sufficient liquidity.

At present, many people have not yet seen the value of the Youxia network. However, as meme will become a major trend and the US election will accelerate the development of this trend, the value of Youxia will be more prominent. We are betting on the general trend of meme, and there will be a large number of airdrops of meme coins. Large exchanges such as Binance are also very interested in this kind of project. Airdrops to individuals are usually sold directly, but airdrops to our community, we can help promote them together, and they will not be sold immediately. We will gradually airdrop to everyone in a rhythmic manner, which is also cost-effective for the project party.

🌍Long-term vision and strategy

Our goal is to become the Berkshire of the new era (Buffett's insurance investment company). After the interest rate cut cycle, we will have opportunities in the stars and the sea. We must unite and send the CBD project to the moon first, and then attract more cooperative projects. Our community will grow and become famous, becoming a super influential community.

Our long-term vision is to become a cornerstone community and follow the project to the exchange, so as to obtain the maximum benefits. Once CBD is successful, more similar projects will follow in the future. Our community will accompany the meme projects with ecological backgrounds, grow bigger and stronger together, and lead everyone to participate in the primary market. This round of meme projects has huge opportunities. Many projects that have grown from 1mn market value to 100mn will appear. We can participate deeply in them, which will be a huge leap in wealth.

In this process, we will not only support meme projects, but we are also building a meme full-chain information intelligence trading system KaBoom, which can use AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze and identify potential meme projects, and the transaction threshold is very low, allowing more people to participate.

Thousands of meme projects are emerging every day, and we need to identify the golden dogs among them through technical means. KaBoom is not only a trading platform, but also serves the system of Youxia Network, helping the community to obtain more airdrops, realize automated airdrops, and build a series of closed-loop ecosystems around meme coins.

📈 Airdrop Strategy

Our airdrop plan will be carried out according to the development stage of the project. It is best to start airdropping when the project is initially launched and liquidity increases to ensure more wealth growth. We are equivalent to holding options for meme coins. The more successful the project is, the greater our income will be.

With the success of CBD, we will become a meme strategic investment community, cooperate with more potential meme projects, and build high-quality, high-traffic communities. Our goal is to snowball our influence and community through continuous cooperation and enjoy the compound interest of the meme industry.

In the future, we will gradually release airdrops when liquidity is sufficient, rather than dumping the market all at once. Our goal is to help projects grow and maximize the value of airdrop options. Through these efforts, we will build a 30-year meme ecological infrastructure, taking the first step towards the stars and the sea.

📖 Conclusion

Our narrative revolves around several key words: meme track, cornerstone community, snowball, and airdrop options.

As the industry changes dramatically and memes rise, we will continue to adapt and embrace change to drive community growth and project success. Memes are eating the world, and the future belongs to us.

🎉Looking forward to you joining my team👇👇👇:

Become a ranger, don’t be afraid of the future, and wait for the coins!