ETH ushered in a violent rise again📈📈The long order was taken again‼ ️Three in and three out of the public horse cannon to seal the masterpiece‼ ️The long order made a profit of 100,000u again‼ ️

It has been said that the short-selling market will appear‼ ️The next moment will be the slaughter of the shorts‼ ️

The first wave of ETH soared from 2980 to 3800 overnight. This wave actually only played the role of trapping the low-leverage whale shorts‼ ️But these whale shorts have not cut their losses or blown up‼ ️It must take another wave of the main rising wave to play the role of blowing up the shorts‼ ️#PEPE市值超越LTC #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista