"NFT & Gamings on Linea" hosted by Midaswap mainly focuses on discussing the latest status of NFT and games on Linea.

Image source: Midaswap


This Space also invited different people to share their observations and insights on games and NFTs on Linea, and talked about some ongoing game projects and the future development of the Linea platform.

Discussion points

1️⃣ Interaction model between Linea platform and NFT: Many speakers agreed that Linea, which is based on blockchain technology, creates an ecosystem that benefits both game developers and players by combining it with NFT. And emphasize the importance of game strategy in the market. They are developing a game distribution platform and game launcher, and have established partnerships with multiple game developers.

2️⃣ The application and significance of NFT in games: NFT plays an important role in games. It not only represents virtual items, but also symbolizes the player’s identity and achievements. It allows players to have a deeper sense of participation and satisfaction through NFT, and at the same time, it can Create your own value in the game.

Of course, the discussion also emphasized that excellent games take time to develop and must provide a good gaming experience and an appropriate economic model to attract and retain users.

3️⃣ Development of the Linea platform game market: The Linea platform game market is developing rapidly, with many new game projects such as “Axie Infinity” continuing to be added, and innovative game design and gameplay attracting a large number of players.

Solutions are currently being developed that can connect multiple blockchains, allowing players to transfer their game experience across chains and making players unaware of the existence of blockchains in the game.

4️⃣ Future prospects and challenges of the Linea platform: The Linea platform has a bright future and hopes to become the world's leading game and NFT platform. However, it also faces challenges in attracting more game developers and players and how to continue to innovate.

5️⃣ Multi-party opinions and cooperation: During the discussion, many parties shared their insights and strategies on games and NFTs, emphasizing that games are an important way to enter Web3 and blockchain, and through cooperation with MetaMask and others, they look forward to creating a better gaming environment and Provide players with a better gaming experience through greater transparency and efficiency.

This point of combining with MetaMask happened to be mentioned by Brother Jian (@jason_chen998)👇


Image source: MidJourney, Derivative By soaringcrowz

in conclusion

This discussion reflects everyone’s enthusiasm and expectations for Linea. If you also have expectations for Linea or want to know more game projects and NFT applications in Linea, this discussion is definitely worth reading.

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