
1. In the absence of a stop, you unknowingly get into a very doubtful situation where the chances of a plus tend to zero (many times faster than in roulette)

2. With an infinite number of positions you will always be bankrupt, because that 0.95 or 0.91 must be exponentiated with each new open position

3. The situation with negative expectation is valid only when stops are not placed; if stops are placed, then theoretically we return to the game with zero sum, but in practice the situation is also ‘a little’ different, but this is another story

4. Exchanges benefit from the absence of stops and increased leverage on your trades. That's why exchanges get maximum income and show special generosity in the trend, as liquidation amounts are in the billions every day and that's why exchanges reduce their staff in a bear cycle, as there are practically no liquidations

5. Be smarter, calculate everything down to the last detail, put stops and preferably not short ones, so that bots do not follow you all the time

6. When calculating, we took as a margin of error both commissions and funding, but in the end they also play against your mathematical expectation

7. If you don't understand all the calculations, go back to the beginning and go through the whole thing again. Becoming smarter in the game is worth the time spent

P.S. I wish you a profitable week. Take care of yourself and your deposits