🌟How Bookies Make Market Prices

. Amateur traders easily get caught up in too many orders, the time frame is too short, the volume size is too large, etc. In retrospect, it all comes from bad qualities such as lack of confidence in abilities (fear of missing out), greed (only seeing benefits but not losses), anger (when you lose, you're bitter, trying to get over it), infatuation ( knew it was wrong but still tried to keep the order). So a trader with sustainable profits is usually quite mature in terms of emotions and personality.

. The bookie aka#Builderalways wins because they rely on probability & time - "I'm not afraid of you winning, I'm just afraid of you not playing" - 98% of#Tradersare amateurs, the top 2% are excellent and the rest are all are true#business#man aka #Investor, they look at the price line to find investment entries#follow#trend, they have#thesislogic, method system & capital division strategy to select very clear opportunities clarity & discipline.


12 #MM #price #manipulate #probability #time

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