Bitcoin Pizza Day is a special day of celebration in the cryptocurrency community, taking place on May 22 every year. This is an occasion to recall the event that a Florida programmer named Laszlo Hanyecz used 10,000 Bitcoin to buy two large pizzas from Papa John's in 201012. This is considered the first Bitcoin commercial transaction in the world. gender.

On May 18, 2010, Hanyecz posted a message on the forum that he wanted to buy pizza and was willing to pay 10,000 Bitcoin to anyone who could order it and have it delivered to his home. At that time, the value of Bitcoins was not widely known, and using them to buy physical goods was a new idea.

After a few days of waiting, finally on May 22, a user named “jercos” agreed to make the transaction and bought two pizzas for Hanyecz. At that time, 10,000 Bitcoins cost about 41 US dollars. However, if you look at the future value of Bitcoin, this amount could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

Bitcoin Pizza Day is not just a story about an expensive transaction, but also a testament to the power and growth potential of Bitcoin. It reminds us of the value of using and accepting cryptocurrencies in everyday transactions, as well as the volatility of cryptocurrency markets.

Every year, the cryptocurrency community around the world organizes events and activities to celebrate this day, from holding meetups, sharing pizza, to making Bitcoin transactions to commemorate this historic transaction.

Bitcoin Pizza Day is not only a holiday, but also a lesson in patience and foresight in investing. It reminds each of us that the value of a cryptocurrency - or any asset - lies not only in its current value, but also in its future growth potential.

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