In 2019 i was contacted by an anonymous person on Telegram who acted as a lady. She started with a cool friendly chat for a couple of days then later asked if i traded Crypto which i said yes, as of then i had little knowledge about due diligence. She referred me to a platform that needed me to download an App from a third party source outside Google Playstore. I was warned by Google installer on my device that the app was highly risky but i went on installing it anyway. She asked me to create an account on the App and i did so. She then told me to fund the account with (USDT) that she will guide me on how to make profit in a few minutes, i told her that i staked about $500 worth of my entire Crypto on a different platform already and i will have to wait until the staking period is over which was true. Immediately she started sending me screenshots of huge trading balance from the profit she made while trading on the App. The balance was in millions of (USDT), she told me to go look for money or borrow that i was going to make huge money, on the 3rd day she offered to send me a $200 voucher to use on the App. I loaded the voucher and she took me trading, she told me when to (Shot & Long), i followed her advice and made profit of $200 which totalled $400 that is (Capital + Profit). She asked me to trade again which i did till i lost $150 and was left with $250. Later on she said i should go look for money that she will help me trade again if i brought $1,000. I ignored her for 2 days and never used the App. On the fourth day she asked that i should withdraw the $250 from the account and spend, after so much convincing i decided to withdraw. To my greatest surprise the money was successfully withdrawn. She later told me to fund the account after i have withdrawn. I started believing but i had to do due diligence, i stumbled across a blog where people complained about getting scammed $100 to $1,000 on that App. I was lucky


1. Social Engineering

2. Patience

3. Enticement

4. Money Gift

5. Manipulation.

@Binance Risk Sniper
