đŸ€‘ #Ethereum's average fee level has dipped to just $1.12 per network transaction, the lowest average cost in a day since October 18th. Traders historically move between sentimental cycles of feeling that #crypto is going "To the Moon" or feeling that "It Is Dead", which can be observed through transaction fees. These fees will tend to peak (and sometimes diverge) around price tops, and go back to its resting state around price bottoms. With markets mainly retracing over the past 6 weeks, the lack of demand and strain on the network may help turn $ETH and associated #altcoins around sooner than many may expect. Track this @santimentfeed link to see how fees are looking on a daily basis here: https://app.santiment.net/s/BUiROHq2?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=twitter_eth_fees_burnt_usd_b_042824/&fpr=twitter Grab a free Sanbase PRO trial here to enjoy all of the wonderful #onchain and social metrics available on the platform, and see what others in #cryptocurrency can't here: https://app.santiment.net/pricing?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=twitter_pricing_eth_fees_burnt_usd_b_042824/&fpr=twitter