#比特币减半 #比特币减半

Musk, if time could go back 20 years and I were 20 years younger, I would work for you at all costs!

On the 15th, Tesla announced a global layoff of 14,000 people, accounting for 10% of the total number of employees, and the Chinese region was naturally not spared.

I am not concerned about this data, but that they have laid off employees in China to a new height.

A large number of Tesla workers are new employees who have been employed for less than 6 months, and the compensation plan is 0.5N+3, while employees who have been employed for more than one year have adopted the N+3 compensation plan.

An employee who has been employed by Tesla for 5 years received a one-time layoff compensation of 450,000 yuan, while the compensation for laid-off employees within 6 months was mostly around 40,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Are you envious? Are you jealous? That's not all!

Musk also sent an apology letter to the laid-off employees, saying that the severance pay of some employees was too low and compensation should be given. I almost knelt down and called him daddy.

For those local bosses who disregard the Labor Law, not only do not provide social security, but also only pay 13 yuan per hour, I don't want to waste my breath to make any comments here today.

Capitalists and local bosses are really not on the same level.

Musk has paid attention to the crypto market in recent years and stood with the ordinary people.

Like and speak for those dogs, shits, and coins from the grassroots. In addition to Mars going to the sky, this is a feat that truly benefits mankind.

Although there is no chance to work for Musk again, today, April 20th, the Little DOGE Day, #比特币减半 , I want to shout for Musk, for the great #Meme s and the new Pu~u~p~p~i~e~ s.