What is the reasonable price for OMNI list, bosses? $12 or $20 or $66?

Why did I give the number $66? Please consider below


Seeing that most people still do not understand what the Omni Network project does, now I will explain it to you in the simplest way.

$OMNI is a crosschain infrastructure similar to Axelar, built with the Cosmos SDK. Comparing these two projects, there are a few differences as follows:

- OMNI focuses on the L2 rollup niche, Axelar is broader including L1 and L2.

- OMNI leverages AVS on EigenLayer to increase security, while Axelar owns its own node network.

In terms of technology and products, I rate Axelar slightly better because:

- Been on Mainnet for a long time + integrated more than 50 chains.

- Wider coverage than OMNI's L2 niche.

Regarding price increase motivation:

- $ALT + $DYM -> create more L2 -> Crosschain demand is higher -> Use OMNI as crosschain gas.

- The first crosschain to take advantage of AVS -> Can benefit from EigenLayer's waves.

In terms of valuation, I think in the current context it will be difficult for $OMNI to surpass Axelar in many aspects so I will assume the following scenarios:

- Price $66: capitalization ~660m (same as Axelar)

- Price $12: capitalization ~120m (equal to Celer)

There is a fairly large gap in the crosschain segment. In this segment, I can expect#OMNIwill be the product to fill the gap in this segment.


The list price I expect will be somewhere around 18-$20 (~200M cap) around the same level as some of the products on#BinanceLaunchpoolrecently.

As usual this is just my personal perspective and opinion. In your opinion, is the price I offered reasonable? Comment your opinions below to discuss together.
