Do you expect the market to rise, with all these people and the huge number of new people who have entered the field recently, other than the old investors, and they all want to become wealthy?

It will not rise until most of the portfolios are liquidated or sell at a loss. Only two will profit. The one who bought and closed his portfolio and does not care about anything, does not follow, or is a person working in DCA and does not care about fluctuations in the market, whether falling or rising. His only concern is the quantities he owns.

Those who made a stop loss had their stop loss hit and sold with a stop loss. Everyone who was running Future was liquidated, and everyone who was running Copy Trading was liquidated. Therefore, always keep DCA running on the spot, and fluctuations will happen whether the market is rising or falling, just as the market gives you imaginary profits in exchange for high risk and high volatility. Don't expect to become rich by pitting one man against another

Either be patient and get it or sell at a loss

And your dreams evaporate

The trading market is only for those whose heart is strong and does not care about fluctuations. If you are weak, go out and find a project or field other than crypto for you, because if you continue, your health will be affected. You are in a jungle. Survival is for the fittest, and those with weak hands will not win, and crying will not help you.

Red candle they will kick you out of the game and you will continue crying and be out of the market without even capital

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