Main Image text: BTC


※Consistent with what was mentioned above, during the large-band downward consolidation on March 19, the bearer informed that he had been accumulating funds. Therefore, as long as it reaches a record high, we must pay attention to the possibility of a collapse.

※ Following the multiple major events on the 10th in the previous article, this major event was published on March 25. At that time, the article thought that it might be related to the financial sanctions that expanded the war. Now it seems that the United States and Iran are going to fight. There was no news about this at all in March. Later, I saw that someone was trying to solve the incident, but it seemed that it could not be solved completely.

※Continuing from the previous article, the air master on March 19 will be stationed from April 11 to the 18th. During this period, we must pay attention to the possibility of suppression. Although I think the most likely time for suppression is on the 16th, you should pay attention to it at any time, because the Ten Thousand Points Kong Master is monitoring the timing, and it is possible between the 11th and the 18th. If it didn't happen before the 18th and it's still supporting, then after the 18th, you should start to pay attention to the speculation that the bulls may be making new highs. Because the empty owner dare not act.


★The Japanese shock information on the 11th seems to be a downward shock from the bearer. Therefore, after 14 o'clock, the small bull traders believed that there would be no market market because of the downward shock of the bearers. However, due to the premature announcement, the small bull traders had not given time to build a high point at that time, and finally at 20 Points were built before the pastry, and high points were built without using the previous high. Then began the short-term downward shock speculation.

According to the previous article, it seems that this is the speculation of the bearish downward shock on the 11th. Therefore, if it is him, then he should make a low before 3 o'clock in the morning on the 13th, which means that it may be the low just now.

But if there is no movement in the rebound after three o'clock, we should pay attention to the possibility that a new wave of bearers will appear after four o'clock in the morning. And we should pay more attention to the empty master of ten thousand points at all times.

Of course, if it rebounds after three o'clock. Then of course nothing will happen after four o'clock, because the downward consolidation only lasts until three o'clock.

"I guess I haven't seen anyone on the Internet say it's a war like I did in March!"

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