#代币解锁 #dydx #strk #arb
Unlocked in April
DYDX April 1
11% of the circulating supply, approximately 33M $DYDX, will be unlocked. The market value of this amount is approximately 122 millionu. Current circulation is 46%
APT April 12 (10:59)
6% of the circulating supply, approximately 25M $APT, will be unlocked. The market value of this amount is approximately 451 millionu.
STRK April 15(03:00)
9% of the circulating supply, approximately 64M $STRK, will be unlocked. This amount has a market value of approximately $149 million. Current circulation is 7%.
ARB April 16 (16:00)
4% of the circulating supply, approximately $93 million in ARB, will be unlocked. This amount has a market value of approximately $159 million. Current circulation is 27%.
APE April 17 (03:00)
3% of the circulating supply, or approximately $16 million in APE, will be unlocked. That amount has a market value of about $33 million. Current circulation is 64%.
AXS April 17 (16:10)
8% of the circulating supply, approximately $11 million in $AXS, will be unlocked. This amount has a market value of approximately $121 million. Current circulation is 74%.
IMX4 19th (03:00)
3% of the circulating supply (approximately $34 million IMX) will be unlocked. This amount has a market value of approximately $100 million. Current circulation is 72%.
PIXEL April 19 (13:00)
7% of the circulating supply, approximately $54 million of PIXEL, will be unlocked. The market value of that amount is approximately $41 million. Current circulation is 17%.
ID April 22 (03:00)
18% of the circulating supply, or approximately $19 million, will be unlocked. The market value of that amount is approximately $22 million. Current circulation is 28%.