While in 2024 the search for the term "Bitcoin" on YouTube reached just over 50% of hits worldwide, in Brazil it reached almost double and the highest value since 2016.

These data suggest that in this country there may be greater production of content on this social network or that the population is beginning to look for alternatives to the local fiat currency (real) which has been gradually reducing the population's purchasing power.

To give an example, in relation to the US dollar, the real has devalued around 120% since the year 2000, when US$1 was worth R$1.80 and today it is worth R$5.23.

In relation to inflation, the real lost around 80% of its purchasing power, that is, R$100 in 2000 is equivalent to R$20 in 2024.

These factors combined with a voracious increase in ways of collecting taxes promoted by the current left-wing government may explain Brazilians' interest in trying to understand the deflationary mechanism of $BTC