#Ganemos Everyone!!💸💸
Many of us wonder how to generate income? and it is well known that chains of favors always lead us to great things... as the saying goes "today for you, tomorrow for me".
This is why we must take advantage of our available resources and take advantage of opportunities.
I have always helped those who need it with what was within my reach and that leaves a feeling that not everything is bad and that we can always move forward.
In this campaign we should only leave #propina to collaborators who are just starting out or whoever you feel should do so.
For many #1usd is nothing, but for others it can mean the beginning of a great path ahead.
For this same reason, it is proposed to encourage Tips and generate a chain of favors where everyone helps each other.
1usd today would not change the economy for you, but the sum of many of us can improve someone's life every day
I wait for you with your Tips so I can continue bringing you apps where you can generate income!!
(with this you will recover your 1usd on the day 😏)
See you in the next post! and check my previous publications, they can generate income!!
Teamwork generates greater Profits!💪🏻🚀💸