How can you buy project #Portal ? Participation continues for Binance's 47th Launchpool project (#PORTAL ). After PIXEL, everyone realized the importance of projects launching from Binance Launchpool.

PORTAL is a gamer-centered web3-based platform that aims to bring together different blockchain gaming communities and developers.


If we take a look at other competitors in the field, we come across companies such as Steam and Epic Games. These companies act as a store that brings players and games together. Players can buy games from this store, sell and buy items in the game through the store. Considering all this interaction, we can say that Portal aims to be a web3-based game store.


My price estimate for PORTAL is between $2.5 - $3, I think it will take its place in the market.

Why Should I Join Through Binance Launchpool?

People who have $BNB investments or have idle USD can earn extra income by staking their BNB/FDUSD through Launchpool to evaluate their investments.

Reward amount in BNB pool: 40,000,000 You can earn more by staking BNB.

Prize amount in FUSD pool: 10,000,000

The staking process started on February 22, and the listing will take place on February 29.

⚠️ There are a lot of malicious people in the market. They may commit SCAM (fraud) by claiming to sell PORTAL tokens before Binance. Be careful before listing on Binance, always be alert to avoid being scammed!

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#PortalLaunchpool #Portal