After $PIXEL lauched today, I noticed several people saying that this token is a scam, that it was a rugpull and those sorts of things. In my vision, this token is not a scam nor a rugpull, but I'd say you should stay away from it as

few people can manipulate the price of this token heavily.

Rugpulls are common scams in the cryptowolrd, especially outside Binance. Many projects lures people with promises of ultra high and quick returns, a graphic that has basically only green candles (a HUGE red flag if you see one), as basically no one can sell their token. Over their Telegram group, if someone starts questioning too much, they get block and kicked because they were FUD (a common expression that denotes that someone is making a bad marketing about a project) the project and then, few days or even hours later, they empty the liquidity pool and everyone from the project just vanishes.

Over here, you should be relatively safe from those fake projects, as Binance has a strict procedure to list a coin or token. The problem starts when you want to get out, to increase your gains, get in touch with a number even greater of projects, and, therefore, scammers. How do you recognize one from the other? It isn't simple sometimes, I know, but following the steps I've mentioned here and in my other posts should help you a bit in your journey.


