Whenever there is a rise at night or early in the morning, it means that the currency circle is trending upward ⬆️ when it goes sideways or falls during the day.

Whenever it rises during the day and falls sideways at night or early in the morning, it means that the overall currency market is weak.

For example, in early January 2023, the increase in the market will be at night and in the early morning. After October 20, 2023, the increase in the market will basically be at night and in the early morning. On February 8, 2024, most of the increase in the market will be at night and in the early morning.

The reason is that the real decisive funds and power are in the hands of the United States. The impact of US stocks on the currency circle is like the impact of big pie on copycats.

If the big pie rises, generally the counterfeit market will be strong; if the big pie falls, the counterfeit market will be weak, and so on.

Therefore, from a financial perspective, it is the United States that really has pricing power. Thanks to the rise of U.S. stocks, the superposition of halving expectations, the superposition of Cancun upgrades, the superposition of ETFs, and the superposition of so many buffs, the current situation has emerged!

Being in the car is your life, and not being in the car is your life. Don’t force yourself to get a 50,000 yuan pie. The key point is to refer to how likely the current bull market is?

With high interest rates and limited funds in the United States, does it have the conditions for a bull market? Could the big bull market ever happen before the pie was halved in history? Can we experience a bull market with high interest rates? Since we believe in the cyclical theory, do the past bull and bear markets have any reference value? ? ?

Weigh the pros and cons and look forward to the arrival of the black swan! If it doesn't come, if the pie breaks through the previous high, enter the six-level position copycat! ! !

The fake bull will not break the previous high, and there will be no fake bull if it breaks the previous high. Draw a conclusion by referring to the historical cycle of the pie! The previous high referred to here is the high point of the last bull market

If you are anxious, just go to the two- or three-story copycat. You are not afraid of corrections on the two or three floors. You will be fully loaded with bullets for big corrections and black swans!

Those who are cruel enough will continue to wait for the black swan! The black swan is late but has arrived! ! !

If you are not afraid of hooligans, you must be educated, but if you are afraid of perverts, you must be patient🌹

I will clear the warehouse in batches from January 12th to January 17th, and I will clear the empty warehouse until February 13th to build a one-story cottage!

Everyone has different trading strategies and different thinking and cognition. Don’t argue with anyone, don’t need false support, and don’t pay attention to anyone’s disparagement! ! !