Crypto Gurus on The Fast Lane, Only Join After Independent Thought.
Everyone seem to be talking about BTC halving circle. They say this year might print All times High for Bitcoin and the proof is in the ‘Bitcoin Halving Cycle,’ a term they quickly coined from past data.
I am not leaning of either side of Bitcoin, I am addressing the myopic view going around that BTC has to print all times high this year (the bull run they call it).
Inspect your own boat, gather your own data on the condition of the sea, be ready to sail when you have scheduled. In this manner you will have a plan to navigate the obstacles the sea might present on your destination to the rich city.
This is when to be cautious and only put a few eggs on your bucket. You cannot get rich overnight and expect your wealth to sustain the financial storms.
This is the time to be cautious and calculative of every move you make. Send only a few of your soldiers to test the depth of the sea. When they come back, you will have received good lessons that will keep you on your long-term journey to the rich City.
Don’t go around reading every act of the opponent and act on it before doing your own thinking. Financial decision, let such rest solemnly on your approval.
History is a great place to learn and data don’t lie but the future doesn’t solemnly rest 100% on History. Be cautious and act prudently!
Until next time. Happy trading.