Analyze the comparison of the top three trading shares of the Inscription Market since its opening🆚
Total number of transactions (2023.🈷️-2024.2🈷️)
The first place, #SATSUSDT, was minted on March 9. It lasted 11 months with a total number of transactions of more than 77,000 and a market value of US$1 billion.
The second place#ratswas minted on March 11, with a total number of transactions of more than 39,000 in 11 months, and a market value of US$220 million.
The third#piinwas minted on November 9th and lasted less than 3 months. It ranked third with a total number of transactions of 22,000+ and a market value of only US$15 million.
Do you think which currency has a greater increase multiple based on time, number of transactions and market value? Welcome to discuss!