Odaily Planet Daily News NFEX founder @nfexdragon said on Twitter that a new address 9082D2 (0x90…fba9), which was created only 6 days ago, quickly climbed to the fifth place on the Blur score list by relying on price manipulation. Market manipulators similar to 9082D2 usually bid 30-80 NFTs, and in a short period of time, their bids will increase sharply, and many other bidders will also increase their bids. Then 9082D2 will sell the NFTs it holds to the remaining bidders at one time, earning profits and Blur points. Many of the uninformed bidders will sell them at a loss to get rid of the risk, resulting in a chain effect of falling prices. Until it stabilizes, manipulators such as 9082D2 will come back and start bidding again, usually some mainstream projects such as CloneX, Doodles, Pudgy Penguins and Moonbirds. @nfexdragon calls on the community to fight against such bad players to protect general users from manipulators.