Wu Shuo learned that according to Christine Kim’s summary of the 178th Ethereum Executive Layer All-Core Developers Conference Call (ACDE), this meeting mainly discussed: the re-confirmation of the three testnet times (although there was more controversy, in the end Or decided to stick to the original time plan, that is: Goerli is January 17, 2024 6:32:00 UTC, Sepolia is January 30 22:51:12 UTC, and Holesky is February 7 11:34:24 UTC) , Discussion on the next upgrade of Prague/Electra (talking about multiple topics, such as focusing on a single large upgrade such as Verkle or multiple small upgrades, opponents believe that focusing on Verkle may take too long; upgrade the execution layer EL and Discussion of consensus layer CL upgrade decoupling; whether to implement EOF, EOF represents the EVM object format, which has made some changes to the code execution environment of Ethereum and discussions on other EIPs, etc.).