According to TechFlow, on October 23, Cryptonews reported that Russia (Izvestia) released an investigation report, revealing that criminal networks used the dark web and cryptocurrencies to provide illegal services such as "arson on demand", which aroused concerns about network security and financial supervision.

These criminals traded through dark web forums, Telegram and cryptocurrency wallets, and the targets of arson included cars, apartments, cafes and shops. The police said that although they could quickly catch the perpetrators of the crime, it was much more difficult to find the payers behind the scenes.

The investigation found that the recruitment threshold for arsonists is relatively low, mainly requiring photos to prove physical fitness. After completing the task, the employer will pay the reward in cryptocurrency based on the photo or video evidence. A simple arson task pays about $1,500, and the arsonist can receive about $750 in cryptocurrency.

What is worrying is that not only experienced criminals are involved, but even teenagers are hired to engage in these illegal activities. In the fall of 2024, a series of similar cases occurred in the Moscow region, where teenagers were hired to set fire to cars or apartment building entrances.