According to Odaily Planet Daily, released the top 10 runes ranked by market value on the X-body platform. Among them, 'DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON' has a market value of 280.7 million US dollars, an increase of 4.3%; 'PUPS•WORLD•PEACE' has a market value of 197.9 million US dollars, a decrease of 57.8%; 'RSIC•GENESIS•RUNE' has a market value of 197.1 million US dollars, a decrease of 12.5%; 'DECENTRALIZED' has a market value of 44.1 million US dollars, a decrease of 1.2%; 'EPIC•EPIC•EPIC•EPIC' has a market value of 43.9 million US dollars, a decrease of 6.5%; 'S The market value of 'ATOSHI•NAKAMOTO' is 34.2 million US dollars, a decrease of 5.6%; the market value of 'Z•Z•Z•Z•Z•FEHU•Z•Z•Z•Z•Z' is 26.1 million US dollars, an increase of 4.3%; the market value of 'ZBIT•BLUE•BITCOIN' is 17.6 million US dollars, a decrease of 2.5%; the market value of 'LOBO•THE•WOLF•PUP' is 14.4 million US dollars, a decrease of 13.3%; and the market value of 'WADDLE•WADDLE•PENGU' is 14.2 million US dollars, an increase of 61.8%.