Reviewing Lin Bao's trading records on January 9th:
In the first image, we marked the prior drop in the market; the second image shows our positions in Bitcoin and Ethereum at 9500/3370 for short, and 2500/170 for Lode.
The third image shows Bitcoin and Ethereum at 9300/3220 for long, and 2100/110 for Lode.
The fourth image summarizes the above two trades, Bitcoin and Ethereum at 5000/380 for Lode.
The fifth image summarizes Ethereum's gain of 280 points,
The sixth image shows the morning thoughts on Bitcoin and Lode with over a thousand points; the seventh image summarizes Ethereum,
The eighth image shows in the afternoon Bitcoin and Ethereum gaining 1600/90, and the ninth image shows an evening winning streak of 4 trades #比特币价格走势分析 #加密市场回调 #美国非农数据即将公布 #晒交易赢奖励 .