Whale Rampage! Binance Withdraws 1.75 Million MKR and 563,000 AAVE, Market Undercurrents Flowing! Major Capital Movement

Just 1 hour ago, a large whale quietly withdrew 1,186 MKR (approximately $1.75 million) and 1,987 AAVE (approximately $563,000) from Binance. The direction of these funds may indicate that the whale has a particular outlook on the market prospects of these two major assets, or is making strategic arrangements, or is preparing to carry out some degree of operation on the market.

Stay tuned for updates, and we will interpret the mysteries behind each capital movement for you!

#MKR #AAVE #加密市场回调 #比特币价格走势分析 #美国非农数据即将公布 $AAVE $AVAX $ADA