PANews January 9 news, cryptocurrency market research institution Santiment posted on the X platform, pointing out that average trading returns reflect whether 'buying the dip' or 'selling at a high' has captured the right timing. Currently, active wallets over the past 30 days are in a loss position on BTC, ETH, ADA, DOGE, and the vast majority of altcoins.
When the market value to realized value ratio (MVRV) is negative, it means you are buying or increasing your holdings when others are already at a loss. Historically, these 'market panic' moments are when professional traders make profits.
Trading requires caution; do not assume these opportunity zone signals will immediately bring a turnaround. However, probabilities indicate that in the near future, cryptocurrencies will experience at least a short to medium-term reversal, of course, provided that economic and geopolitical factors do not create obstacles.