[Exclusive Revelation] Telegram’s privacy stance took a sharp turn: information of more than 2,000 users was disclosed in 2024, sparking global controversy!
In the sensitive area of digital privacy, every disturbance can cause uproar. According to the latest report from Shenzhen TechFlow, Telegram significantly increased its cooperation with U.S. authorities’ data requests in 2024, resulting in the disclosure of sensitive information of more than 2,000 users. This incident quickly triggered fierce debates about privacy protection around the world. discuss.
🔍 According to the transparency report released by Telegram, the company responded to multiple data requests from the United States during part of 2024 alone, involving sensitive information such as IP addresses and phone numbers of a large number of users. Behind this change, there are the twists and turns encountered by Telegram CEO Pavel Durov for not cooperating with the investigation, and the company's subsequent adjustments to its privacy policy.