Bitcoin prices fell 6% to $95,164 on Wednesday morning in Asia. BTC, which gained 10% last week to $102,000, lost those gains. However, it managed to stay in its channel since mid-December. 📉
Over the last 24 hours, more than 235,000 investors faced a total of $695 million in liquidations. 90% of the liquidations were in long positions. The largest liquidation was a $17.7 million ETH/USDT position on Binance.
The decline in US stocks and the strong dollar caused a sharp correction in the crypto market. Still, Bitcoin's bull market is believed to be continuing. 📊
Altcoins also suffered major losses, with total market value down 7% to $3.53 trillion. Ethereum fell 8% to below $3,400. Dogecoin, Avalanche, and other altcoins suffered double-digit losses.