Telegram has responded to 900 user data requests from the United States in 2024: Report

Telegram is said to have responded to a total of 900 requests from the United States regarding IP addresses and phone numbers, affecting 2,253 users.

The messaging app Telegram has complied with 900 requests from the United States for user personal information, largely made after CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France.

According to a report on January 7 from 404 Media, Telegram responded to 14 requests for "IP addresses and/or phone numbers" from the United States during the period from January 1 to September 30, 2024. However, the platform is reported to have responded to a total of 900 requests from the United States throughout the year, affecting 2,253 users, indicating that the number of requests increased after October.

On August 24, French authorities arrested Durov on allegations that Telegram facilitated criminal activities. In October, the CEO stated that the platform had provided the IP addresses and phone numbers of alleged criminals to authorities in various countries upon request since 2018 — a policy disclosed in Telegram's privacy policy.

French authorities have barred Durov from leaving the country, as the legal case is still ongoing at the time of publication. The CEO reported in September that Telegram has over 950 million monthly active users, with many in the cryptocurrency industry claiming they prefer this app over others. #Telegram