Une vue en contre-plongée dans une rue parisienne typique, encadrée par des immeubles haussmanniens. La Tour Eiffel est visible à l'arrière-plan, légèrement floutée pour maintenir le focus sur le personnage. Un homme originaire de France en costume élégant, tenant une mallette ouverte dans une main. La mallette contient une maison miniature illuminée en orange vif, symbolisant l'immobilier. Son expression est un mélange de surprise et d'urgence, les yeux écarquillés, la bouche entrouverte.

After two years of marked decline, the real estate market seems to be reaching an inflection point. According to Charles Marinakis, president of Century 21 France, the price correction is coming to an end, which paves the way for a stabilization, or even a slight rise during this year 2025. In Paris, the price per square meter has fallen by almost 10% in two years, a similar decline observed throughout the Île-de-France region. This correction, accentuated by the rise in interest rates, has allowed sales to gradually restart. However, the evolution of the market will depend on several factors, in particular the continued fall in credit rates and the ability of sellers to adjust their prices to the new expectations of buyers.

The article France: Real estate prices could rise this year! appeared first on Cointribune.