The capitalist world, greedy for the last drop of sweat from the working man, invented new ways every day to take his honestly earned money. Banking magnates in suits and ties dictated their rules, taxing every step with interest. And suddenly, hope appeared on the horizon — blockchain, decentralization, cryptocurrency. They said that now everyone would be able to control their finances, bypassing banks and the state. They spoke of freedom, equality, and a new economy. But who, except for the most naive, could believe that something truly free was possible in a world saturated with the spirit of profit?

Reality, as always, turned out to be much more prosaic. Blockchain did not destroy monopolies — it recreated them, only now without ties. Old bourgeois and new 'digital magnates' quickly realized that cryptocurrency is the perfect way to expand the field of exploitation. A new franchise of capitalism appeared: instead of classic banks with licenses and regulations — startups, ICOs, DeFi, and other trendy words. But the product remained unchanged — speculation. Everything that once promised to free the people from the oppression of financial magnates turned into yet another tool for redistributing wealth... in favor of the minority.

And who came out on top? Yes, it was those who were first in line for the distribution. They created tokens, artificially inflated their value, attracting naive 'investors', and now they are reaping the rewards while others hold devalued digital scraps. These people, who can be counted on one hand, are the new digital 'aristocrats' in the body of the world economy.

How many times does history repeat itself? During the gold rush, it was not those who went to the mountains with pickaxes who became wealthy, but those who sold the pickaxes. Cryptocurrency is the same fever, only instead of gold, there are zeros and ones, and instead of pickaxes, there are promises of a 'bright digital future.'

Every new crypto wave — ICO, NFT, DeFi — is a new attempt to make millions of people give up their last money in the hope of quick enrichment. But don't we know that only the owner of the casino wins? While the majority, as always, ends up with nothing, the minority enriches itself at their expense.

And here lies the main paradox: cryptocurrency is presented as a tool of freedom, but in reality, it becomes a new tool of control. In the classic banking system, transfers are at least masked by numerous layers of regulations and bureaucracy. But here? Complete 'transparency.' Anyone can track your transactions, anyone can see how much you have in your wallet. This is not freedom — this is a digital panopticon, where every step is transparent, and control is total.

And who holds the keys to this new world? Again, those at the top of the digital pyramid. They created a system in which millions must follow the rules, but these rules are not written for the elite.

Capital will never leave its children hungry. Cryptocurrency is its new child, born to strengthen the power of capital over labor. The dust in the eyes about 'decentralization' and 'freedom' turned out to be a convenient cover for yet another form of exploitation. The crypto pyramid enriched a narrow circle of individuals who bought in and sold at the right time. There are few of them — a tiny minority, dictating their rules to the majority, just as they always have.

But what about the majority? That very 'little person' who believed that the digital revolution would change his life for the better? He is left with nothing. He invested his last savings in Bitcoin at its peak, bought NFTs hoping to resell them for more, and now sits with devalued tokens waiting for the next 'To the moon' that will 'someday' come.

Cryptocurrency is not liberation; it is yet another chain, only now digital. So every time you are promised easy money and a 'revolution', ask yourself: who benefits from this?

True freedom will only come when the conditions that allow a minority to exploit the majority disappear.
