Many do not understand how to create content with a large number of views. I decided to roll out a couple of life hack articles on how to write and earn on Binance. Subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

1. Choose a popular and relevant cryptocurrency, for example #BNB

2. Binance algorithms check the text for uniqueness, do not copy other people's articles. Create your own content and express your opinion in your own words.

You can use BNB cryptocurrency to pay for transactions, cover fees, and participate in Binance's Launchpool. BNB gives you the right to receive free tokens for participating in the Launchpool.

To receive passive income from Binance, your portfolio must contain BNB. I have it in my portfolio! I recommend you buy some for $10-100 $BNB

3. Do not add too many hashtags and graphs to your articles.

4. Respond to comments on your articles.

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