Robert Kiyosaki, a financial expert and author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” claimed in his latest statement on the social media platform X that a major market crash has begun. Kiyosaki accused the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, banks and Wall Street of causing economic instability by printing “counterfeit money.” He stated that this situation increases inflation, making the rich even richer, while making the poor and middle class even poorer.

Kiyosaki advises investors to look to durable assets such as gold, silver and Bitcoin to protect themselves from economic collapse. He emphasizes that these assets are safe havens against economic volatility. He also states that traditional retirement accounts (401(k) and IRA) are not safe, and urges individuals to look to more diverse and alternative investments.

However, because some of Kiyosaki’s past predictions have failed to come true, some experts view his warnings as exaggerated and unnecessary fearmongering. In particular, some argue that the Federal Reserve’s efforts to control inflation and the stricter regulation of the banking sector have reduced the risk of systemic collapse.

Still, Kiyosaki’s predictions are gaining investors’ attention during times of market uncertainty. For those who want to be prepared for economic risks, assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin stand out as options. These warnings shed light on different perspectives during a time when market volatility is accelerating.

Ultimately, Kiyosaki’s warnings are a reminder that investors should diversify their portfolios and prepare for economic uncertainty, but it’s important for each investor to make their own decisions based on their own risk tolerance and financial goals.