The Financial Crime Task Force T3, a collaboration between Tether, Tron, and TRM Labs, has reached a significant milestone in the fight against financial crime related to cryptocurrency. Established in August 2024, this unit has worked closely with global law enforcement agencies to successfully intervene in cases of money laundering, investment fraud, and terrorism financing. 🚔
Tether has played a crucial role in freezing criminal assets, ensuring that bad actors cannot exploit stablecoins like USDT. Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, emphasized that T3's rapid success in freezing assets sends a clear message: if you use USDT on TRON for criminal activities, you will be caught. 🌍
This unit has analyzed millions of transactions across five continents, monitoring over 3 billion USDT. Chris Janczewski from TRM Labs stated that surpassing 100 million USDT in frozen assets is just the beginning, underscoring the importance of keeping the growing cryptocurrency ecosystem safe.