India has stepped up efforts to tackle crypto scams by teaming up with tech giants Google and Meta (formerly Facebook). The Ministry of Home Affairs' 2024 annual report highlighted the partnership aimed at fighting the growing menace of 'pig butchering' scams. These fraudulent schemes target vulnerable groups like unemployed youth, housewives, and students, promising high returns on crypto investments. Scammers use social media and search engines to lure victims, resulting in losses of $3.6 billion in 2024. To counter this, the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) collaborates with Google and Meta to identify and remove malicious content swiftly. Additionally, training programs on blockchain analysis have been initiated to enhance law enforcement's investigative capabilities. The National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP) facilitates quick resolution of crypto scam cases. India's active involvement in international efforts, including cooperation with the FATF, aims to strengthen global standards against crypto-related crimes. Read more AI-generated news on: