#比特币诞生16周年 Turns Gifts into NFTs
Telegram first announced that after this update, users can upgrade gifts received on Telegram into collectibles, which have special attributes that allow users to transfer them to others or auction them directly on the NFT market.
Telegram further stated that when users upgrade gifts into collectibles, they will be able to unlock dozens of new appearances created by Telegram artists. Along with these collectibles, there will be a set of random features, including background colors and image displays: this means that each gift with collectible value is a unique piece of art, and some gifts will be rarer than others. Currently, more than 20 existing gifts, such as cakes, jellies, and rabbits, can be upgraded into collectibles, totaling over 1,400 unique appearances, with more to come in the future. Upgrading gifts requires a small amount of Telegram Stars to pay for the associated blockchain fees.