Has it ever happened to you that many people make money with a certain strategy and when we apply it, we don't win? We are after the golden strategy, and when we think we have it, it doesn't work for us. This happens because not every strategy fits every type of person; it’s like putting on the shoes of your younger brother who is 10 sizes smaller than you.

We apply volume strategy, divergence with that, Fibonacci, we apply everything but still don't win. The more we lose, the more we seek outside, but if I tell you that the answer lies within you, a powerful habit I have applied is to meditate, to eliminate the external noise to analyze the mistakes I have made without seeking another strategy, like the saying goes, less is more.

My strategy currently is based on 3 key points

  1. Volume

  2. Divergence pattern (in case there is a divergence)

  3. Fibonacci with price action

  4. Time (many times we don't know how to interpret time) I will explain later how to use it to your advantage

  5. Meditate, before each trade and after each trade

Don't look for the winning strategy, focus on yourself, meditate on each trade, ask why you perform each action, clean your trading, and conduct back testing.