Earnings from #P2P trading depend on the current market situation and can fluctuate from 2% to 5% per round. On average, it results in 50% to 100% per month on any capital.


Advantages and disadvantages of P2P trading


  • Transaction security. Thanks to the support service and guarantees of exchanges (#Binance ).

  • Low entry threshold. A starting capital of $200 is enough for tangible results.

  • Unlimited earning opportunities. As experience and capital grow, so do the opportunities for income.

  • Work from anywhere in the world, provided you have the internet, at a convenient time.

  • You can engage at any age, even if you are under 18. In this case, use accounts on exchanges registered in the names of your relatives/friends/trusted persons.

  • In P2P trading, it is impossible to lose your money if you trade within the P2P platform. This is not trading; we make secure transactions.



  • Risk of fraud. Despite a high level of security, there is a risk of encountering fraudulent schemes.

  • Bank blocks that occur due to large turnover of funds on cards. However, with the right approach and preparation, they can be minimized.

P2P trading is an accessible and effective way to earn that does not require large investments or deep knowledge. This method allows you to earn on the difference in rates with minimal risks, offering broad opportunities for capital growth. If you want to start earning on cryptocurrencies, P2P trading is a great start to achieving financial independence.


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