The Fear & Greed Index is a measure of market sentiment and is calculated based on a combination of volatility, trading volume, social media mentions, surveys, Bitcoin's market cap share, and Google search trends. When the index is closer to 0, it indicates extreme market fear. When it is closer to 100, it indicates extreme optimism. The index currently stands at 70, indicating that the market is in a state of greed. This is a four-point increase from the previous day. The greed phase has been ongoing for some time now, and it is showing no signs of abating. This is likely due to the recent surge in the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It is important to note that the Fear & Greed Index is just one measure of market sentiment. It is not a perfect indicator of future price movements. However, it can be a useful tool for investors who are trying to gauge the overall mood of the market.