There are always people who think they are the chosen ones, believing they can learn something, but they don't account for their own costs. If you spend ¥1000 on a gym membership, will working out for six months in the gym have the same effect as practicing for six months at home without equipment? Not to mention the value of the atmosphere the gym provides. Let's say you spend a few dozen yuan on a trial class, where a coach teaches you how to use the equipment and corrects some of your movements. Working out in the gym for three months could be more beneficial than floundering at home for one or two years. Now, if you take that one or two years of time and convert it into money, just calculate your hourly wage. Suppose your hourly wage is 20, if you work out for one hour a day, that adds up to six or seven thousand yuan a year. After two years, how much is that? You do the math. Then, after finishing your gym workouts, if you spend ¥1000 on a gym membership, even though you spent ¥1000, you can achieve the results of floundering for one or two years in just three months, saving you over ten thousand yuan. People simply don't know how to calculate. That's why poor people remain poor, and losers remain losers. The same goes for trading cryptocurrencies. When you really try to make money, you've already lost hundreds of thousands. But if you find someone else to teach you, it might only cost a few thousand yuan. The costs of time and money are not calculated.