Elon Musk, known for his unconventional online activities, has updated his X account (formerly Twitter) by changing his display name to "Kekius Maximus" and setting the famous "Pepe the Frog" meme as his profile picture. The image features Pepe playing a video game with a joystick in his hand, reflecting Musk's love of gaming and internet memes.
The name "Kekius Maximus" is in line with the rising cryptocurrency called KEKIUS, which has gained significant attention recently. The token, which is trading around USD 0.005667, has seen a massive surge of 497.56% in the past week, drawing the attention of the crypto market.
The move appears to combine Musk’s interest in memes, gaming culture, and emerging cryptocurrencies. Along with the change, Musk has issued warnings about accounts on X that use manipulative techniques to gain followers and promote scams, signaling his continued focus on protecting the platform.
Elon Musk's unique approach to interacting with trends makes his online presence engaging and impactful.
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