Blockchain expert JackXBT reported on his Telegram that a hacker known as 'Blockchain Bandit' who stole 51,000 ETH and 470 BTC seven years ago has moved 51,000 ETH (worth $172 million) to a multisig address (starting with 0xC45C). The recipient's address has been dormant for years, indicating that the hacker could be preparing to cash out the stolen funds or move them further down the chain. It's worth noting that the hack was one of the largest in cryptocurrency history, and the stolen funds were thought to be lost forever. However, the recent movement of the ETH suggests that the hacker may have found a way to access the stolen funds. As the investigation continues, it's important to remember that cryptocurrency theft is a serious crime with real-world consequences. Those who engage in such activities should be aware that they may be caught and prosecuted.